Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Let's Give It Up For The New Year

Resolution - Motion City Soundtrack

2008 is quickly drawing to a close and like so many around the world, I like to take a minute . . . first to look back at the past year and then to look forward at what's coming up. I've never been one to make resolutions, joining those who write them off as things you always say you'll do, but never actually accomplish. And I hate not keeping my word.

However, this year is a little different. I feel a need, not so much to make resolutions, but more to set some guidelines for myself in the upcoming year. And so . . . here goes.

1. Don't Settle - Get A New Job
I was having a rather rough Monday this week when my broworker emailed me two words - "Don't Settle" - followed by the text to Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address. He had no idea what was going through my head on that cloudy morning, but the timing of his email was just spot on. He's known that I've been struggling with my identity at work for a couple of months and a few weeks ago said to me, "Did you go to college to do this?" This question has been on my mind for awhile, but that was the first time it had been articulated to me in this particular manner. The answer is clear as day. Hell no. Need to get back into media. Time to get off the hamster wheel. Move on. Things have gotten stale . . . and I long to "stay hungry, stay foolish."

2. Explore Every Avenue Possible To Get Myself Home
I tried. Hong Kong is not home. Especially over the past week . . . I miss it. Yes, I have family in Hong Kong . . . but the longer I'm away the more I realise that my fantastic group of friends back home comprise a large part of what I consider my "family." Living is not living when you are constantly longing to be somewhere else.

3. Stop Getting Worked Up Over Other Peoples' Shit
I have to get better at evaluating what/who is worth sticking my neck out for. What grinds my gears is when I put myself out there for people and it is either not appreciated or I was misled to begin with about what the endgame was. Then it gets me all upset and stressed . . . and it's just not worth it.

4. Speak Up For Myself More
'Nuff said, really. And kind of similar to #3. This includes not letting myself be put into a position of enabler. If you do shady shit, I will call you on it.

5. Be Bold.
The paradox that is my persona . . . outspoken and outgoing as heck amongst friends . . . but wallflower shy when it comes to my pursuit of romance. In the presence of potential, I need to find a balance between fading into the background and coming off as overeager.

Okay. That's all. Thoughts? What are your resolutions?

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

With You Is Where I'd Rather Be, But We're Stuck Where We Are

Long Distance - Brandy

In any recent year, this song would have been a poignant portrait of my thoughts and emotions. Admittedly, the first time I heard this track, memories came storming back . . . but not in the heart-wrenching way I thought they would. No . . . this time it was swift . . .
Yup. Okay. I remember feeling that way.
Oh well. Moving on now . . .
Maybe this comes at an interesting time. You see . . . he and I have made amends. And only with the past couple weeks and conversations with him, has it been apparent to me that I've grown out of what we had been. So now, whenever I do feel that little bit of sadness tugging at my heart, I know that it's simply because I miss being in a relationship . . . and that longing will cease to be associated with him.

I haven't felt much like writing lately . . . but in fact it has been quite the month kicked off with an adventure at Hong Kong Disneyland with my girls, highlighted by a birthday visit by one of my best friends, and recently wrapped up with visits from more friendly faces from Vancouver. I always get excited around the end of November . . . because once my birthday's done with, in comes all the Christmas tingles that demand to be felt.

This will be the best Christmas in nearly half a decade. I'm okay. I'm content.

Friday, 7 November 2008

Can I . . . Stay On The Up Side Of A Mood Swing?

For Once In My Life - Red Letter

My one year anniversary in Hong Kong passed earlier this week and I didn't even notice it. But now that I have . . .

I have to say that it doesn't feel like it's been that long. But lately things have been on my mind. Considerations about the future and even people I had banished from my thoughts. It's making me moody and it's really making me wonder if I should try to slay this demon.

A tear escaped from my eyes just now. It's been a very long time since I've let one go for you. Now I'm all pissed at myself . . . confused and angst-y for no reason at all. If only I could figure out why this has seemingly come out of nowhere. Is it because the lustre of the other has worn off?

Things have got to start going my way soon . . . right?

Monday, 27 October 2008

I Fell Right Through The Cracks And I'm Trying To Get Back

I'm Yours - Jason Mraz

Allow me a second or two to mope. *sigh* Is it done for? Okay, I'm finished moping for now.

Was feeling ridiculously homesick earlier today. Blame it on scanning random photos of the city - Coal Harbour, Stanley Park, downtown. Started thinking about how I'm about to miss yet another Christmas in Vancouver and another snowboard season. The malls get stupidly busy and it feels super claustrophobic, but I love that holiday buzz that manages to seep into my bones. Christmas isn't the same without cold weather.

Have decided with my fellow 604-transplant Delz that come December, we're going to have a Christmas movie marathon. Home Alone, Love Actually, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Elf. The only thing that could make this list better is if somehow, someone could find me either a DVD or digital copy of Babes In Toyland with Keanu Reeves, Pat Morita, and Drew Barrymore - I must've viewed it over a hundred times in my childhood but it's been a lost love since. I think I still remember the words to almost every song. "My jeep's got 4-wheel drive." LOL. If you're in 852 and interested in joining, give me a holler.

Tried to cheer myself up the other day by spending too much money. Picked up the Logitech Cordless Desktop S530 Laser For Mac despite a couple of bad reviews on - a completely frivilous purchase. Have had zero problems with it so far and it's nice to type on a real keyboard instead of my laptop one . . . I've missed having a number pad. And of course, the keyboard was made for matchy-matchy prettiness.

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

But It Seems I Was Never On Time, And I Want To Get Through To You On Time

Turn Your Lights Down Low - Bob Marley & Lauryn Hill

I think I was in shock yesterday.
But now that the news has had time to sink in . . .
I can't stop these damn tears.
Even as I realise . . .
The last thing he would want is for any of us to stop laughing.

Jody, I am so lucky to have had someone like you to look up to [and not just because you're a whole foot taller than I am] . . . I love you long time . . . and I will forever be inspired by you, your spirit, and everything you stood for.

Monday, 13 October 2008

In Memoriam: Joseph Daniel Brooks, March 14, 1974 - October 11, 2008

I'll Never Forget You, I'll Never Let You Out Of My Heart
You Will Always Be Here With Me, I'll Hold Onto the Memories

Never Forget You - Mariah Carey

I weep not for the memories we have . . . only for the memories that were yet to be made.

The weird thing is that I had thought of Jody this weekend. I can't even recall why it was . . . little did I know.

Today began the way any other Monday does. I was at work when I got the message from Elena . . . telling us that Jody had passed. Then this ordinary Monday turned into anything but. There are no words to describe the sadness I'm feeling over the loss of this incredible person. His infectious laughter, super-sized personality, and unmatchable sense of humour. I doubt I will ever meet anyone who takes it upon themselves to promote humanitarianism the way Jody did - through his work with the Peace Corps, JET, and finally at the CDC. In his life, Jody has touched every person he's encountered . . . the outpouring of emotion on his FB wall is a true testament to the man Jody was. How can life be so unfair as to take away this superstar of a human being at such a young age? The world has lost a champion.

I met Jody in August 2003 when he moved to Chiba, Japan to join our little gaijin family. He was the guy who lived upstairs. I remember the time I was getting ready to go home for the holidays and was worried my luggage would be over the airline's weight limit. Jody came downstairs right away, arm-curled my suitcase and announced that it was good to go. Or the time I ran into him on the way home and I was on the phone with my boyfriend. Jody took the phone from me and said, "Your name is Daniel? My middle name is Daniel, so that makes you a good guy. You be good to our girl now, got it?" Or that time early in the morning when I met Jody on the stairs. I was on my way out and he was on his way back up to his place, flowers in hand to surprise his lady. Then there were the multiple trips to Nagano . . . Champax . . . and the Jamaican gunshot sounds he always made and none of us could replicate. *bloop bloop* Dammit Jody, I'm never going to hear you do that again.

Maybe this post is self-indulgent . . . but these are my best memories of Jody. I don't know how else to do this. I'm sorry I was so crap at keeping in touch. I miss you, Jody . . .

You were all heart.

Evie, Jody & Ange at Thanksgiving dinner.
Joint Bar, 28 November 2003.

Jody & Rich on the bus ride up to Saitama, 9 January 2004.

The "Pineapple Head" stands out in the crowd.
Chimu Chiba at Saitama Stadium, 11 January 2004.

A birthday kiss from me and Sazz.
Jody's birthday party in Shibuya, 13 March 2004.

Guarding the Chimu Chiba mascot, Champax.
In Nagano, 13 June 2004.

Rough-housing with Rich, 13 June 2004.

I thought you were so strong
You'd make it through whatever
It's so hard to accept the fact
You're gone forever . . .

[Bye Bye - Mariah Carey]

Saturday, 11 October 2008

I'm Gonna Show You Clearly, I Can Rock Your World

Baby Be Mine - Mariah Carey

Why the non-action?

I think we're all looking for some kind of guarantee - to know beforehand that any risk we take will be rewarded favourably.

But in reality, there is no such guarantee and there never will be. Every risk we take is a leap of faith. Faith that you place in yourself and in the other person.

Would you take a leap with me?

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Don't Be Shy . . . Let's Cause A Scene Like Lovers Do On Silver Screens

Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll - The Killers

Not the most obvious song one would earmark as a favourite from The Killers' debut album, Hot Fuss . . . but I love this song for its bass line. And hearing this performed live was just ace [thank you Andy]. The folks that make Rock Band really need to get the rights for this song!!!

Not too sure there's a specific purpose to this post. I was just walking around Homeless today when the song shuffled on and that line up there just grabbed me. I am noticing increasingly that my life is governed by the songs and lyrics that fill my consciousness. I'm aware that this could be said for a lot of people but it seems especially true for me.

Random thought: black suit pants and brown leather shoes. No. Just no. Just don't do it.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Friends Say I'm Crazy 'Cause Easily I Fall In Love, "You Gotta Do It Different [G], This Time"

Someone To Call My Lover - Janet Jackson

Absolutely exhausting long weekend . . . experienced only my second true hangover EVER [the first being after me and Grunt's 25th joint birthday party]. Gaaaah . . . Don't know why I thought it would be a good idea to go so hard. Events of Sunday night are kind of a blur though bits and pieces are coming back slooooowly.

Note: Real men dress sharp.
And for the most part . . . guys who go to these clubs in HK do their due diligence to make sure they are presentable. But buddy at the club was certainly not dressed sharp. And his dance moves were certifiably sans rhythm. So why he thought he might get my attention by following me around for two hours is beyond me. And coming up to me and saying, "I see you again" in some horrifying accent is even more baffling . . . considering every time I had noticed him hovering around, my friends and I would make a quick dash. Hey guy, see the message? Get the message and go. Please.

Anyway . . . moving on.
I'm not the kind of person who goes halfway. I approach things with a certain amount of caution, but rarely do I dilly-dally about deciding whether I like something or someone. Putting it differently and specifically in regards to guys . . . when I like someone, I kind of get tunnel vision. And I never really "kind of" like someone, it's always all the way. This is when I get in trouble. This is when I become vulnerable. And this is when I freeze because I get scared.

Don't really know what the point is . . . truth be told, I've been hit on more times in the last three weeks than I have in the last three years . . . but I came out of this weekend feeling kind of empty. =(

Monday, 1 September 2008

So What's The Complication? It's Only Conversation

Love It When you Call - The Feeling

I don't mind staying up late . . .
Even if that means I pay for it the day after . . .

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Feels Like We've Already Waited Too Long

Into The Dark - Ben Lee

So tell me baby
Can you hear me?
I sent a message out into the dark
It's a mystery
When you're near me
I've gotta find my way to your heart

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

I'm Lucky, I Know

Home - Michael Bublé

Things have been on the up and up for me lately. Finally not being afraid to make my own plans. Doing things for myself and not simply to just make others happy. It's been good to come out of the shadow of my former self. So good.

As much as I am okay now, hearing this song still brings me back. I'm still unable to listen to this song without getting just a little wistful. I was walking to work from the bus stop this bright and sunny morning when my iPod shuffled to it. And for some reason I remembered an entry I had written in my old blog.

Read for yourself here.

God was I ever lovesick and heartbroken. As of right now, I can't even remember exactly how bad the whole thing was . . . just that it was horrible. I hope I never return to that place.

This song just reminds me of why I don't ever want to be in a long distance relationship again. Two and a half years of it was more than enough. I know I should never say never . . . but here's to hoping.

I Couldn't Turn On The TV, Without Something There To Remind Me

Better In Time - Leona Lewis

My Scorpio horoscope today says:

You thought you'd never be able to stop thinking about
someone, but now when you do, you just laugh . . .

Couldn't help but grin when I saw that.

Monday, 18 August 2008

If I Could Take You Away, Pretend I Was Queen, What Would You Say?

Be Be Your Love - Rachael Yamagata


And Sometimes You Close Your Eyes And See The Place Where You Used To Live

When You Were Young - The Killers

It's been two weeks since I returned to Hong Kong after two and a half phenomenal weeks back home in Vancouver, and I still have yet to blog about my trip . . . Going back to Vancouver at this point in time was equally good and bad. I had just gotten over "I hate Hong Kong and I want to go home right noooooooow" but I had yet to get over "I'm so goddamn homesick I don't know what to do with myself."

What came out of this trip was a realisation of how lucky I really am. Despite all my whining and bitching, the truth is that I am loved and I have a wonderful group of friends who were not shy to spoil me silly and show me just how missed I was. To them, I say a heartfelt thank you.

But they are the precise reason why I'm once again back in the "I want to go home right now" phase. Halfway through my trip home, the following thought started bubbling in my head and has yet to leave me alone: In Hong Kong, I am merely living the life of a robot. Going to work, going home, and spending way too much money on the weekends trying to dull the contempt that I have for this city. But in Vancouver, I was LIVING. Acute difference. Previously to my trip, I had thought maybe I should do my two years in HK before calling it quits here. But now, I think I really want to get back to living instead of just passing time.

It's like that quote from The Holiday. In the movie, they say [and I'm paraphrasing here] . . . In the movies, there are the leading ladies and and there are the best friends. You're at least supposed to be the leading lady in your own life! That's exactly it! My gut is telling me that as long as I stay in HK, I won't be the leading lady in my life.

Out of all the years I lived outside of Vancouver and all the trips I've taken back to the fair city, I truly feel this is amongst if not the best return I've had. Anyway, if you're interested in the day-to-day of my trip back, read on:

Day 0 - 17 July 2008 - Arrive YVR 2130h
Am lucky enough to have Walz come grab me from the airport. First stop: bubble tea!!!

Day 1 - 18 July 2008 - A Bat, A Clown, Dresses & Sangria
My first full day back and the first occurance of G-Spoil. Walz takes the day off so we can chill! He and I go watch The Dark Knight in IMAX on opening day. Good thing we went to the matinee showing. I'm immediately taken by Heath Ledger's performance and vow to watch it again in theatres. After the movie, we head downtown and grub at Caffè Artigiano - my favourite! Then it was errands time and I'm lucky Walz is such a patient guy! Two days away from the wedding of two of my oldest friends, I desperately need to find a dress for the big day! Good thing the old standby, BCBG is having a sale and it's not long before I find something. I run into Doogan and Lyds, who inform me when their big day is going to be. Looks like I'll be in Vancouver in May 2009! Later, Walz and I are joined by Kennings, Shim, and Kevin at Ebisu where we quickly polish off over $200 worth of sushi and sangria. Yuuuumz. Then we were off to Blueberry for some yummy frozen yogurt.

Day 2 - 19 July 2008 - Pre-Wedding Festivities
A very simple day of meeting with my co-MC for the wedding and then manis, pedis, and dinner with the bridal party.

Day 3 - 20 July 2008 - Batman Marries Doraemon!
Wake at 5am to get the day rolling . . . hair, make-up, wardrobe! So much fun. I could not be more honoured to have been asked to be a part of the wedding. Donn't get home until nearly three.

Day 4 - 21 July 2008 - Finally, A Chance To Relax
Sleep until 2 in the afternoon after being completely drained of all energy the day before. The afternoon is a lazy one at home before heading out for dinner and drinks with my boys. Patios and bellinis are a summertime must.

Day 5 - 22 July 2008 - E Day
It's day 5 back home before I have the chance to see my bestie, E. She swings by after work and after we reserve our rental car for Thursday, we go for eats and bubble tea at Pearl Castle. They were out of curry, damnit!!!

Day 6 - 23 July 2008 - Bye Bye Walz
Having promised to drive Walz to the airport, some disorganised planning leads to his picking me up then us going to the airport together and then my taking his car after he leaves on his trip. Yaaaaaaaay, zippy Mini Cooper! I'm happy he and I condensed our catching up time before he took off. CC and I head down to The Celebration of Light to watch Canada do their thing . . . but not before I taste my first Japadog!

Day 7 - 24 July 2008 - Sea-Town, Here We Come!
E and I meet up at the car rental place at the crack of dawn and charm our way to a rental upgrade. Yay! We are at the Seattle Premium Outlets by 1020h and spend the next four hours scouring the stores for deals. Then we head to Bellevue, eat a late lunch [happy hour deals!], and check out Aritzia in the US. LOL. Yes, we are dorks. We head to our hotel around dinnertime and then shop around downtown a little bit before hitting our usual dinner spot - The Cheesecake Factory. But this time, we did not break our record of spending $100 on food there. LOL.

Day 8 - 25 July 2008 - Sea-Town Part 2
The weather cooperated magnificently for our little road trip and we tear through downtown Seattle with a mission. I have another wedding to go to in one week and need another dress! BCBG to the rescue again! E tries on this gorgeous dress at Nordstrom but doesn't buy it. We head back home, crossing the border at ten. The super nice customs agent lets us through even though we are bringing back over $500 worth of goods. Sometimes it pays to just be honest! We head to Pearl Castle to meet up with Rick, Shim, Doug, Mariko, Kennings, and Jacq. Good times, good times.

Day 9 - 26 July 2008 - BBQ and 151
AC and Vana pick me up mid-afternoon and we go to Shim's for some bbq-ing and Rock Band-ing before heading to Century House for "Get G F*cked Up" night. Unfortunately, I miss the surprise that Rick has prepared for me during his DJing set. I gulp down some rather nasty drinks but somehow I end up okay, which is more than I can say for CH.

Day 10 - 27 July 2008 - Recovery
It's a lazy Sunday after a night of partying. But wait a minute, are those cops knocking on my door? Turns out, some stupid kids decided it'd be fun to go around my neighbourhood spray painting expensive cars. Victims include my neighbour's minivan [one of those fancy ones], the brand new Mercedes Benz C300 down the street, and yes . . . Walz' Cooper. Omigawd. Shim comes over to see what can be done and after concluding that the car needs to be looked at by the pros, the two of us head out to do some shopping and grab some food. Hmm, more bellinis and patios.

Day 11 - 28 July 2008 - Time With My Girls
M comes over to pick me up for lunch [at my absolute favourite Japanese place, Maruwa] and some shopping, then I head out for dinner with two of my UBC girls. It's good to catch up with them since it's been awhile.

Day 12 - 29 July 2008 - Quiet Cleaning Day
In the early afternoon I head downtown for a long overdue visit to my stylist, Tai, at Suki's. Tai's been my stylist for about two years now and I've never trusted anyone with my hair more than him. Then I head home because, with only a few days left in Vancouver, it's time to get serious about packing up my old rooms. E is sweet enough to come by after work and help out. We spend the night sifting through my childhood bedroom and find proof of some rather unfortunately wardrobe choices. Fun fur! Button-fly jeans! Plaid shirts - oh wait, those are coming back in.

Day 13 - 30 July 2008 - More Packing Up
It's not easy to pack up the past. And the more I dig into my old bedroom, the more I rediscover. But I've never had more conviction to throw away what I don't need. Out with the old, in with the new. The new won't come unless the old leaves. All those clichés. No time to waste, don't even think about reminiscing. Just chuck, chuck, chuck. But I can't help calling out the troops for one more dinner at Nanchuu.

Day 14 - 31 July 2008 - Hennessey Is Gonna Be The Death Of Me
I'm well into sorting through all my stuff now and it isn't until after dinner that I venture out of the house. FayJay picks me up for my night at Hennessey, planned by Rick. It's a small group of people but damn was it fun. I savour the taste of Dirty School Girls and even get dirty with a Rocky Mountain Bear F*cker before leaving the premises.

Day 15 - 1 August 2008 - It's Foxy Time
Time for wedding #2. Yay, gives me an excuse to get all dolled up . . . nails, hair . . . then back home to change before driving out to New West for the festivities. It's a fun night with old friends. It's an opportunity to make amends with demons from the past. All capped off by Bubble World with Shim, Kennings, and Jacq.

Day 16 - 2 August 2008 - OMGWTFBBQ/Bittersweet
On my last full day at home, I get up early and continue the task of packing everything up. As a farewell to my family home [which my parents are selling], I have invited the crew over for a proper send-off. It's a night full of hilarity, the rehashing of old memories made at the house, and new memories to be taken with me. After the last of the partygoers leave at around 2 in the AM, I get right back to work packing up my old room.

Day 17 - 3 August 2008 - Au Revoir
This brings me to my previous entry. Saying goodbye to my house. I finish packing my old room at about 7am, at which point I grab my camera and take some snaps of the place. Only now do I bother packing my suitcases to bring back to HK with me. As tired as I am, I don't want to sleep . . . only wanting to enjoy my house that much longer. In the check-in line at the airport, I talk on the phone with Yenny, who suggests I see if our other friend, Kevin, is working . Indeed, he is standing behind one of the business counters so of course I quickly ditch the economy line. Ahh, the perks of business class.

Sunday, 3 August 2008

I Hate To Go And Leave This Pretty Sight

So Long, Farewell - The Sound Of Music

My flight back to Hong Kong is leaving in roughly seven and a half hours. At seven-thirty in the morning, the light outside my window is brilliant. I haven't slept all night, having stayed up to pack.

When I leave my house this afternoon, it will be for the last time. My parents are selling our family home of nearly twenty years. The thought of that breaks my heart. This house was custom built for us and we moved in three days after I turned eight. As I grew up, no matter where I had gone, it was always with the comfort that I would have this home to return to.

The next time I set foot in Vancouver, my home will already have become someone else's home. So then . . . will Vancouver feel the same?

Thank you for being a venue at which my friends and I have managed to create some incredibly unforgettable memories.

Adieu. The home I love, the sky I love.

Monday, 28 July 2008

I Really Want To Come Kick It With You

American Boy - Estelle f. Kanye West

My horoscope for today says . . .

Enough with the back and forth! If someone doesn't know how they feel yet, they won't anytime soon. .

*sigh* Damnit. I wish I wasn't inclined to agree.
It's been great to be back home. Full update on that soon. I wish I didn't have to leave this paradise . . .
I'm at home and yet, I am homesick.

Monday, 14 July 2008

I'm Out In The Sun Having Fun With My Friends

Whoops Now - Janet Jackson

After he and my sister returned from visiting my parents in Vancouver, my nephew has started referring to his family members as his "friends." He would say, "Now have three friends - mommy, yiyi, and TeeTee. Missing porpor and gonggong." [yiyi = aunt - mom's younger sister = me, porpor = maternal grandmother, gonggong = maternal grandfather, TeeTee = our housekeeper]

For the little one's birthday, we took him up to a suburb of Guangzhou called Panyu. Within Panyu is an area known as Chimelong. It's a place for holiday-makers to visit a zoo, theme park, water park, and other attractions that, while gigantic, are all also within a ten minute drive of each other.

After visiting Xiangjiang Safari Park on Saturday [and getting attacked by mosquitoes], we went to Chimelong Water Park on Sunday. Shortly after arriving, the storm clouds rolled over us and dropped some heavy rain, lightning, and thunder. But after about a twenty minute wait, we were told it was safe to go have fun.

Some general observations made at the water park:
  • Chinese bathing suits suck. They must. Because it's either that and people are trying to avoid embarrassing sheerness, or I'm missing out on the trend of pairing underwear with swimwear. And it's not just panties but bras also.
  • Either way . . . I guess people don't really notice the problem of the camel toe that is often caused by the underwear trend.
  • When faced with the problem of forgetting one's swimsuit at home, the Chinese just go swimming in their underwear. Or in the case of one boy I saw, buck naked. [Kindly note that there are plenty of suits for purchase there.]
  • I can understand using an umbrella when it's really sunny. But when it's raining, you're in swimwear, you're already wet, and you're standing in a pool in a water park . . . is the umbrella really necessary?
  • Last I checked, shower caps do not equal swim caps.
In any case, our little group stick together and we had a really good time. My nephew was so absurdly happy that he kept squealing with pleasure. For all the times that we think to ourselves, he's growing up so fast . . . those moments when he was having the time of his life quickly turned him back into our little baby.

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

When I'm Down, You Breathe Life Over Me

Destiny - Zero 7

The morning commute today was in another typical typhoon season torrential downpour. Watching the water envelope the bus I was on, I was grateful to be inside.

Then this song came on and once again my mind drifted . . .

Something about the vibe . . . something about the lyrics . . .

This song was made for physicality. It was meant to be made-out to.

Kissing in the rain. Kissing indoors while it's raining outside.


[Another song on my "songs to make-out to" list - Glory Box by Portishead. "Give me a reason to love you. Give me a reason to be a woman . . . So don't you stop being a man." Yeow.]

Sunday, 6 July 2008

The Way You Look At Me Is Kinda Like A Little Sister

One Of The Boys - Katy Perry

Yeah . . . what she says . . . damnit. Did I back myself up into this corner?

I saw a spider, I didn't scream
Cuz I can belch the alphabet
Just double dog dare me
And I chose guitar over ballet
And I take these suckers down
'Cuz they just get in my way
The way you look at me
Is kinda like a little sister
Rubbed by your goodbyes
And it leaves me nothing but blisters

So I don't want to be one of the boys
One of your guys
Just give me a chance to prove to you tonight
That I just wanna be one of the girls
Pretty in pearls
Not one of the boys

So over the summer something changed
I started reading 17 and shaving my legs
And I study the litter religously
And I walked right into school
And caught you staring at me
'Cuz I know what you know
But now your gonna have to take a number
It's okay maybe one day
But not until I get my diamond ring

'Cuz I don't want to be one of the boys
One of your guys
Just give me a chance to prove to you tonight
That I just wanna be your homecoming queen
Your poster dream
Not one of the boys

I wanna be a flower not a dirty weed
And I wanna smell like roses not a baseball team
And I swear maybe one day
Your gonna wanna make out
Make out, make out with me

So I don't want to be one of the boys
One of your guys
Just give me a chance to prove to you tonight
That I just wanna be one of the girls
Pretty in pearls
Not one of the boys

Thursday, 3 July 2008

If You Knew My Story Word For Word, Had All Of My History

Young Folks - Peter Bjorn And John

. . . would you go along with someone like me?

There's something in my history that is so mind-bending . . . so weird and strange . . . and to my close friends, so funny and wtf-inducing.

But if you knew this piece of history, would it be so weird to you that it scares you off?

Friday, 20 June 2008

I'm Weak, It's True . . . 'Cause I'm Afraid To Know The Answer

True - Ryan Cabrera

I don’t know where my head’s at today. Can’t seem to concentrate on anything . . . ADD to the max. Days like these are rare and good thing because I can’t stand myself like this. Phooey.

It’s just short of two hours before quitting time and I’m definitely looking forward to this weekend. Girl time tomorrow with friends from home: the four of us are finally catching the Sex And The City movie, dinner, and much-deserved massages.

It seems getting massages is the estrogen-charged activity of choice for me now. In Vancouver, female bonding for my friends and I always involved either getting facials/manis/pedis [winter/summer] or toasting ourselves on the beach [summer – usually followed by manis/pedis, hehe].

Self-pampering was the perfect way to relax and clear our minds . . .

Anyway, so according to my sign, my negative traits include being suspicious, overly emotional, and obsessive. Not completely untrue, and I’ve spent much of the past three years consciously trying to reform these characteristics. But really, don’t all those things just add up to neuroticism?

There are times when it’s not so bad . . . but sometimes it gets to the point that even I want to smack myself upside the head. What was that phrase from How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days? You know, the one about what being “FINE” actually means? I would spin it as being inquisitive, but sometimes wanting to find meaning in every single little thing is hazardous. And it is during times like these that I appreciate my girl time the most.

When E was visiting last month, I took her to go get foot massages after our marathon shopping sessions. Everything was going along swimmingly until my masseur got to this one pressure point near my big toe and I quite literally yelped in pain. He told me that it was an indication that I was a worrier. Then he told me that I should relax and try not to think about things so much, especially if doing so kept me awake at night.

For all the times that E has said “don’t worry about it,” “it doesn’t matter anymore,” and “who cares” to me . . . she burst out laughing and using her most sarcastic voice said, “Yeah, G. See? I told you! Stop thinking so much. Just stop it!” And for all the things I worried over that turned out to be nothings . . . I just had to laugh at myself.

Thursday, 19 June 2008

How Did You Get Here?

Nobody's Supposed To Be Here - Deborah Cox

It's a random thoughts kind of day . . .

On pencil skirts:
They are tight, they are form-fitting . . . and on the right person, they are damn sexy. But ladies, please . . . pay attention to how they look after you’ve walked around for more than ten minutes. Because pencil skirts shift. And if the slit that’s supposed to be back and centre is anywhere close to your kneepit, it just looks sloppy. And for heaven’s sake . . . ixnay on the VPLs.

On sparking up:
No, not the kind that’ll kill you – not unless you let it anyway.
I'm talking about the kind of spark that happens between two people. What happens when you meet someone that you think you click so well with . . . only to have nothing else happen? It’s so Carrie/Berger. You’re left wondering if you’d imagined the whole thing and then the situation get so polarized that the only thing you can do is shield your eyes and ask, “What the !@%& happened?”

What’s in a name:
How much does one’s name define who s/he is? I used to hate my name. I lamented not having one of those girly frou-frou names. But after a while you just have to learn how to own it.
And if you’ve had a bad experience with one person who has a certain name, how does tha –
Oh, screw this section . . .

And yes, I had mentally written this entry during the morning commute.

Be patient, be patient . . .

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Am I Coming On Too Strong, Being Passive Takes Too Long

Daydream – The Earthtones

[I doubt anyone would know that song . . . obscure Canadian boy band from the 90s that never really made it big. Though they had this one song that I find so cute, in all its boy-bandy goodness.]

Note to self: Be patient. For @!%*'s sake, be patient.

Anyway, let’s move on to the meat and potatoes of this post, shall we?

I now understand why the apology came when it did. It was done with the intention of having a clean slate to start fresh with. And that . . . I can respect. In a way I think I needed this to happen in order to know for sure that I have managed to come out of this alive.

With that in mind, I couldn’t help but wonder . . . why the hell am I using Carrie Bradshaw’s catchphrase? Err, I digress. But really, I couldn’t help but wonder . . . while I had rebooted by life and had my fresh start last summer, did I really do so with a clean slate?

My mood has changed considerably in recent weeks. A more active social life and getting reacquainted with old friends means that I’m finally starting to get over the “Hong Kong sucks” phase and am slowly moving into my “okay, maybe it’s not soooo bad” phase. But like I was telling a friend of mine the other day, being over “Hong Kong sucks” is NOT the same as being over “I want to go hooooome.” Not that I’m actually whining . . . because life here does have its upside.

People my age in Hong Kong work their fingers to the bone, keeping inhuman hours . . . yes for career advancement but also for one other purpose – to maintain a hedonistic lifestyle. My CBC/ABC/BBC peers here bring a new definition to pleasure-seeking that is unrivalled by any other city [that I have seen, anyway] – including New York, Tokyo and even LA [the jury is still out on Vegas]. Any given Friday could mean going for dinner after work and staying out until 5 or 6 am – essentially making it a 24-hour day. Then everyone goes home, sleeps a few hours, and the entire thing is repeated on Saturday.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

After my first experience with this weekend double feature, I was completely shattered. Wrecked beyond belief. FUBARed, if you will. Here I am, four days after the fact . . . my voice is still a little hoarse and I’m still paying for the lack of sleep. But you know . . . I can honestly say that the fun to be had is definitely worth its price.

And now I’m beginning to wonder if I should have another fresh start – one where a clean slate is exactly that . . . Maybe it should be a reformat and not just be a reboot. Maybe it should have nothing to do whatsoever, with anything that reminds me of the past. And maybe, I really shouldn’t be in such a rush to go home.

Friday, 6 June 2008

We Like To Dedicate This Next Song To The Class of 98

All About The Benjamins [Shot-Caller Rock Remix] - Puff Daddy, Lil' Kim, The Lox, The Notorious B.I.G., The Foo Fighters

On my way to work this morning, I was staring out the window of the bus when the iPod shuffled to Aaliyah’s “Are You That Somebody” and my thoughts drifted back in time. Something about hearing that song in early June . . .

It was 1998. I’d just gone through the most strenuous examination schedule of my life [grr, IB]. Tra and I were studying for Provincial exams at my house . . . with the TV set on BET. I heard the song for the very first time when the video came on. Dirty South, can y’all really feel me.

It was the post-Tupac era when Puff Daddy and the Bad Boy Family dominated our school dances . . . but because it was Juice Productions and Mo was our DJ, the playlist always included Van Morrison’s “Brown-Eyed Girl” and UB40’s “Red Red Wine.” But it was also the year Usher Made Us Wanna, Next’s Butta Love was Too Close, Boyz II Men had 4 Seasons Of Loneliness, and The Boy Was Brandy’s AND Monica’s. Britney was still an innocent school girl who got hit several times.

It was pre-campus renovation. It was pitching tents on the South Field and camping out on school grounds. It was going to the beach in the middle of the night, shovelling sand into the back of an SUV and creating Bulldog Beach on the front lawn of our school – complete with beach chairs and umbrellas. It was egging [and in some cases, toothpasting] every car visible at DT, Hamber, Magee, and Killarney. It was running through the halls on the last day of school while Blur’s “Song 2” blared through the PA system.

It was multiple formal dances. It was skipping winter formal to go to the Bad Boy concert. It was a parade of cars getting speeding tickets on Oak Street.

It was the summer of weekly karaoke, my first car accident, and countless nights at Hot Shots, Snooker City, Kamikaze, Rush, Jack's Loft, No. 9, Hong Lok Yuen. Oh gawd. It was Alex To confessing that he feels so sorry and asking his girl please don't go.

June 5th was the date of our grad formal. It was skipping class in the afternoon to get ready. It was limos and QE Park. It was Hotel Vancouver.

And on June 6th, we after-partied until the sunrise. It was fun times. Here’s to our 10.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Pretend Like There's No World Outside . . .

Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson

When I started j-school, a change occurred in one of my weekday habits. Instead of listening to mainstream radio, my car stereo was almost always tuned to one talk radio station or another on the AM dial. And regardless of how much I actually love driving, the rush hour commute inevitably involved my road rage rearing its ugly head once or twice or thrice daily.

In Hong Kong . . . not so much. I don't drive here [oh gawd, I don't even want to think about the catastrophic effects it would have on my blood pressure]. And so the daily commute has actually become of my favourite of the day. My iPod is on the entire time spent going from door to door. And it's only in those precious moments that I can let myself get lost in my own thoughts - and the only sounds to penetrate that world are the voices of the singers whom I allow in. In a way, it's my only time to be alone.

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Check Baby Check Baby, 1-2-3-4

Rump Shaker - Wreckx-N-Effect

Every time I think I’m over the lure of ambulance-chasing, I find myself missing it. The thrill. The excitement. The spontaneity of not know what’s going to happen on a day-to-day basis. I was so sure I’d let go of my on-air aspirations . . .

I got a message yesterday from a producer asking if I could cover a particular story this weekend. I’d be all over it but here’s the rub – I’m in Hong Kong and the story is thousands of kilometres away back in Vancouver. God damn, I have horrible timing.

I miss the prep, the lights, the script-writing, the cameras . . . heck, I even miss carrying a heavy-ass tripod. My poor microphone is probably covered with cobwebs . . . just begging for some attention, unwilling to be hung up just . . . like . . . that.

The weather here today is pretty gloomy – kind of feels like Vancouver in late-October, except it’s nearly 30 degrees out. But somehow it's not quite as horrible as I would've thought . . .

Monday, 26 May 2008

Could You Trade Your Lessons To Have Grown Up In The Process?

One Year - The Get Up Kids

I've come to notice that's just about one year past the day that I decided to make some major life changes. I was in a bad spot a year ago . . . then one day I just did it. Out with those who were toxic in my life. It's probably the best move I've ever made. Some might say that it was a choice others made for me. What I believe is that I could still be in that rut . . . and I am so thankful to those who came and made me see what I was worth . . . and realise I shouldn't be wasting it.

It was incredible how immediate the positive effects were. Re-acquainting myself with people who have always been there, but never in that proximity. Meeting new people who quickly became people who've got my back and I, in return, have theirs.

I guess I'm just kind of looking back in wonder at how much things can change in one year.

I guess I'm a lucky girl.

Saturday, 17 May 2008

I Think It's About Forgiveness

The Heart Of The Matter - Don Henley [covered by India Arie]

I've been wondering why I'm always so skeptical about what guys tell me. The ideal situation would be to go into every relationship without having to doubt or second-guess. When does being cautious turn into being paranoid?

Or . . . is it simply because the guys in my past have just been too full of excuses . . . and so I've just come to expect that?

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Here I Am, Stuck In The Middle With You

Stuck In The Middle With You - Stealer's Wheel
Today's witty lyrical title brought to you by Fruit Of The Loom and their amusing commercial from a few years ago.

A quick blurb about fashion in Hong Kong.

Point 1:

Daily observation leads to this question . . . Do thongs not exist in this city? Surely they do because people know the term "t-back". But why is it that everyday when I make my commute to and from work, I see visible panty lines underneath the tailored skirts/pants of almost every female in Central District? Could it be that there is still a taboo behind the concept?

I remember when my mother first discovered that I owned thongs. You'd have thought it was World War III with the amount of crap I got from her because she didn't understand the concept of minimizing VPLs. In her mind, owning a thong was the equivalent of being a slut . . . so imagine her frustration when all of her protests against thongs were met with a quizzical reaction from me.

Geez ladies, don't ruin the look of your outfit with VPLs. That's just . . . wrong. No one wants to see them. Eew.

Point 2:

Guys in Vancouver rarely wear French cuffs. So whenever I saw a guy with them [yes you, Hippo], I'd be like "Oh, that's hot."

Guys in Hong Kong always wear them. About 90% of the males I encounter prefer the style to normal cuffs. And now I'm desperately hoping that I don't get sick of them. Damnit.

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

You Tell Me That You're Sorry, Never Thought I'd Turn Around And Say . . .

Apologize - Timbaland f. OneRepublic

I received an email a couple weeks ago - an email that was perhaps long overdue . . .

It's too late to apologize.
It's too late.

The apology was self-serving anyway.
And that's all I'm going to say about that.

Sunday, 6 April 2008

I Hope You Had The Time Of Your Life

Good Riddance [Time Of Your Life] - Green Day

Wish I could've been there. Don't even know what else there is to say. Thank you 16. You'll always be our captain.

16 . . . 88 94 08

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

The Blues Are Still Blue

The Blues Are Still Blue - Belle & Sebastian

A cute little ditty by Belle & Sebastian.

This was [still is?] constantly on rotation at the in-house radio station of my journalism school [Evolution 107.9]. I used to go into the booth a few minutes before my newscast - enough time to get myself settled and make sure the cast's Burli stuff was in order. I'd sit in there with the headphones on and would usually hear the song before my cast. Whenever this song came on, I'd always feel cheered up. One time, I absentmindedly started dancing in my chair . . . until I looked up realising that the radio show hosts were staring at me through the control room window. Oops.

When the song was over they announced to our listeners that the news was up next, with a girl who really seemed like enjoy the song. =]

Just a neat little memory that came to mind when iTunes randomly shuffled to that song.
Shoutout to Turbodog: Thanks for visiting and leaving your comments. They make the blues a little less blue. You bringing Xanga back?

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Yesterday, Love Was Such An Easy Game To Play

Yesterday - The Beatles

For the most part, I've limited posts on this blog to topics that are more run of the mill . . . my posts have been unoffensive and really rather emotionless. God knows I've taken my liberties on my other blog . . . and that has only left me exposed to those who are quick to criticize.

"Yesterday" is one of those songs I used to hear over and over. A beautiful and simple melody. Then Boyz II Men covered it, overdid it . . . and really kind of destroyed it for me. I actually kind of became annoyed with the song and stopped paying attention to it . . .

Until tonight. Watching Syesha sing it on American Idol with so much vulnerability and emotion really struck a chord with me [forgive the pun]. And for the first time in a long time, I really listened to the lyrics.

Why [s]he had to go, I don't know, [s]he wouldn't say.
I said something wrong now I long for yesterday.

All too often we become so disenchanted with love and relationships. There isn't much else that demonstrates the extremes of human emotion . . . love can bring you up to the highest reaches and then throw you back down so forcefully that few are lucky to escape the bitterness that is bound to ensue. Life lessons I've had to learn on my own . . . when McCartney had gotten it right all along. Maybe I should have paid closer attention after all.

That love thing . . . it's quite fickle, no?

Wednesday, 12 March 2008

It's All About The Wordplay

Wordplay - Jason Mraz

I love this post on Lainey Gossip today.

Not so much for the actual topic being discussed . . . more for the excitement over certain words being in the Word spellcheck dictionary. =] Excellent.

But seriously . . . why not "skank"? Someone call the Oxford Dictionary people!

Friday, 15 February 2008

If You Need A Fix

Fix - Blackstreet

Frankly, I'm kind of over this whole scandal thing. But Hong Kong is still abuzz due to the release of new photos every couple of days. My sister went to buy a gossip magazine at a random news stand yesterday and the guy who ran it told her that he'd never seen magazines fly of the shelves as quickly as the ones talking about the scandal. One such magazine even sent their paparazzi photographers over to Vancouver . . . took pictures and interviewed students and teachers at R. C. Palmer Secondary [where Edison went to high school before getting kicked out in grade twelve]. While CNN International had a piece on the story last week, it has now hit the printing presses over at The New York Times' Page Six. I'd been wondering whether Lainey or one of the other gossip bloggers would write about this, and it's now up on Gawker too. Insanity.

Page Six
Fox News

Sunday, 10 February 2008

You're So Vain

You're So Vain - Carly Simon

Got this from Evo.

Apparently I am 78% obsessed with my looks. But I have to say that a lot of these are about preventative care, especially the skincare stuff . . . and I actually took this quiz based on whether I have these items or not - could you imagine using mousse and hairspray and gel at the same time? Eew. If you take a look at my current "I Have A Nasty Cold" face, I think you'd say that I am not vain at all! =]

Do You Use?
[o] straightener
[o] curling iron
[o] mousse
[o] hairspray
[ ] gel
[o] other sprays
[o] bobby pins
[o] round barrel brush[o] blowdryer
[o] mirror
[o] you have dyed you hair
[o] you have/had highlights

Total: 11

[o] black eyeliner
[o] other color eyeliner
[o] eye shadow
[o] mascara
[o] fake eyelashes
[o] eyelash curler
[ ] eye shimmer
[ ] colored contacts
[o] huge sun glasses
[o] eye makeup remover

Total: 8

[o] clear lip gloss
[o] red or pink gloss
[o] lip stick
[ ] chapstick
[o] lip plumper
[o] mechanical toothbrush
[o] teeth whitener
[o] lip liner
[ ] whitening gum
[o] had/has braces
[o] more than 15 lipglosses

Total: 9

Complexion/Overall Face
[o] blush
[o] moisturizer
[o] face wash
[o] bronzer
[o] makeup remover
[ ] face wipes
[o] powder
[o] cover up

Total: 7

[o] nail polish
[o] filer
[o] nail clipper
[o] nail buffer
[ ] cuticle remover
[ ] nail hardener
[ ] nail brush
[ ] fake nails
[ ] nail scissors

Total: 4

Overall Total: 39

Now, multiply your score by 2.
Then, repost as "I am % obsessed with my looks."

Saturday, 9 February 2008

Age Ain't Nothing But A Number . . .

Age Ain't Nothing But A Number - Aaliyah

Oh wait. Or is it?

Latest developments from the whole erotic photo scandal in Hong Kong alleges that the more than 600 photos also contains images of Vincy Yeung, niece of EEG head Albert Yeung. The rub? She's currently only 18. Thus far, the photos haven't been published yet because no one is certain how old she was when they were taken. Edison supposedly started dating her 2-3 years ago. Speculation is that dude is in big trouble if he steps foot in HK again.

Here's the thing, Edison didn't leak the photos on purpose. That's been acknowledged, no? I don't think it's a stretch to say that he's a bit of a manwhore with a camera fetish . . . but again, he didn't intentionally release these photos in order to disgrace anyone. So does he deserve to get pounded for ruining the reputations of certain females? Maybe not. He may have engaged in certain activities with these girls - all of which appear to be consensual - but he's not the one who did the ruining. The person[s] who originally uploaded the images onto the web are.

Once again, I'm not condoning any of this . . . but I just find so much hypocrisy going on. People hating on Edison because of this when they should maybe look into their own past and see if they've done anything that's just as scandalous.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Some Hot Stuff Is All That I Need

Hot Stuff [Let's Dance] - Craig David

Don't get me wrong, I watch the Super Bowl for the game. But one of the highlights of the Super Bowl Sunday is the commercials. It is a multi-million dollar advertising machine. And the lovely people over at AOL have put them all online for your viewing pleasure. Also available on MySpace. Enjoy!

My team lost. I blame it on Tom Brady's haircut. =[

Also from AOL is a list of the top eleven rejected commercials from years past. One of the funniest from that lot? Bud's "Swear Jar".

Pardon the toilet humour, but this other Bud Light reject and this other Bud Light one were pretty funny too.

Watch my favourites that did make the cut to the big game:

Coca-Cola "Balloons" - Go go Charlie Brown!

E-Trade "Baby I" - So cute!

E-Trade "Baby II" - He rented a creepy clown! Clowns, *shiver*. "SuperAd" - Aww, how inspiring!

Pepsi "Justin Timberlake" - Just because it's JT.

Doritos "Mouse Trap" - Nothing will ever beat the Ali Landry ads though.

Disney/Pixar "Wall-E" - Hahahaha, what a great combination of the names of two of my favourite people!

Diet Pepsi "What Is Love?" - What a great song.

T-Mobile "Barkley/Wade" - What, Chuck?

Amp "Jumpstart" - Speaks for itself.

Life Water "Thriller" - I'm a sucker for vintage MJ.

Sunday, 3 February 2008

Get In Line With The Paparazzi / No Wonder There's Panic In The Industry

Piece Of Me - Britney Spears

In my last entry I wondered about the state of news reporting around the world. Allow me to clarify. While it's understandable that such a huge story in celebrity gossip is worthy of the front page on the tabloids, what's the deal with it headlining news programs? And I'm talking about the six o'clock, "families tuning in while eating dinner" news. I've quickly come to this conclusion.

It's not the the media's fault.

Don't get me wrong. I am not defending the likes of Britney, Paris, and Lindsay - far from it. But here is the bottom line . . .

The "packs of dogs" following celebs around, looking through their trash, and [over-] analyzing their blog entries are really just doing their jobs. There would be no place in the world for this line of work if not for one thing . . .

And that is the appetite for gossip of the general public. The paparazzi would otherwise be out of jobs, if not for the constant need to quench the thirsts of "normal" people who are either looking for ways to live vicariously through celebs or trying to fulfill some need to be voyeurs.

And here's the wake-up call . . . these people are you and me. The popularity of a whole throng of websites provides plenty of proof. YouTube, Xanga, Facebook . . . all places for everyday Joes to say, "Hey . . . here are the details of my fabulous life. Aren't I faaabulous? Look at me! Look at me!"

So if you ever feel the urge to hate on the paparazzi and say that they are being too reckless in their pursuit of celebrity smut, chew on this . . .

It's what the public demands. It's what you demand. And seeing that I have Perez Hilton, Lainey, and Trent bookmarked . . . it's what I demand.

However, allow me to say this. Puttings things on television, in magazines, on the radio, on the internet . . . with this ability comes the importance of reporting responsibly. And surprisingly, I was reminded of this by the blog of the very person who's in the middle of the erotic photo scandal that has taken over Hong Kong in the past week.

Edison Chen has pretty much gone underground since the first photos surfaced earlier this week. So when he updated his blog yesterday, the media were quick to read, judge, and publish their reaction. Edison's February 1st entry withholds any comments on the scandal situation. Call me naïve or maybe I'm missing something, but all I see are a few words and a couple pictures to promote a new movie he's in. It just so happens the pictures show Edison holding an automatic weapon.

A classic case of "a chicken talking to a duck". He blogs in English. Full CBC/ABC slang. Next thing you know, it's splashed across the front pages that he's making threats. So now I'm led to believe that people in Hong Kong aren't fluent in slang. Trust me, I never thought I'd be defending the guy . . . but dayam.

Responsible reporting? Out. The. Window.

For a more unbiased report on this, see CNN.

Friday, 1 February 2008

They Still Gon' Put Pictures Of My Derrière In The Magazine

Piece Of Me - Britney Spears

And heck yeah they did. Well . . . not mine. Cecilia Cheung's, yes.

So for the past week, the topic headlining all the news and on the tips of all tongues in Hong Kong has been the pornographic photo scandal involving artists Edison Chen, Gillian Chung, Bobo Chan, and Cecilia Cheung. I don't think I can put it better than Xiaxue, so click over to her page for the low-down. Over at The Blemish, there are uncensored/unpixelated decent resolution pictures. I'm not going to bother posting them, do the click-work yourself. A warning though . . . the pictures are highly NSFW. But yeah . . . ugh . . . what's up with the dental floss, Mrs. Tse?

Maybe I shouldn't be talking about this because I am actually looking to join this industry . . . but I have to ask why there isn't anything better for the media to lead stories with. I mean . . . the temperature is dipping to record lows and people are dying from it. And on the Mainland, there has not been snow fall like this in fifty years. People are getting stranded for days on highways.

I've always been baffled by the priorities of news media in Hong Kong. I guess I should just be calling out the paparazzi on this. But then again . . . it is just the same in the States and Europe.

Sunday, 27 January 2008


Breathless - The Corrs

Celeb sighting: Michelle Reis, Miss Hong Kong 1988.

She's one of my favourite Miss HKs and probably one of, if not THE, prettiest of all Miss HKs. Spotted her and her boyfriend at MO Bar at the Landmark Mandarin Oriental while having high tea with my sister. They were having a late afternoon drink/snack. She was wearing these huge sunglasses the entire time, but was still highly recognisable . . . The pair is in the tabloids every once in a while. They were very veeeeery sweet together.

First reaction: Holy smokes, she is soooooo skinny. Skinny like you wouldn't believe. And she was eating frites. Lucky metabolism. =P