Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Pretend Like There's No World Outside . . .

Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson

When I started j-school, a change occurred in one of my weekday habits. Instead of listening to mainstream radio, my car stereo was almost always tuned to one talk radio station or another on the AM dial. And regardless of how much I actually love driving, the rush hour commute inevitably involved my road rage rearing its ugly head once or twice or thrice daily.

In Hong Kong . . . not so much. I don't drive here [oh gawd, I don't even want to think about the catastrophic effects it would have on my blood pressure]. And so the daily commute has actually become of my favourite of the day. My iPod is on the entire time spent going from door to door. And it's only in those precious moments that I can let myself get lost in my own thoughts - and the only sounds to penetrate that world are the voices of the singers whom I allow in. In a way, it's my only time to be alone.

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