Sunday, 6 July 2008

The Way You Look At Me Is Kinda Like A Little Sister

One Of The Boys - Katy Perry

Yeah . . . what she says . . . damnit. Did I back myself up into this corner?

I saw a spider, I didn't scream
Cuz I can belch the alphabet
Just double dog dare me
And I chose guitar over ballet
And I take these suckers down
'Cuz they just get in my way
The way you look at me
Is kinda like a little sister
Rubbed by your goodbyes
And it leaves me nothing but blisters

So I don't want to be one of the boys
One of your guys
Just give me a chance to prove to you tonight
That I just wanna be one of the girls
Pretty in pearls
Not one of the boys

So over the summer something changed
I started reading 17 and shaving my legs
And I study the litter religously
And I walked right into school
And caught you staring at me
'Cuz I know what you know
But now your gonna have to take a number
It's okay maybe one day
But not until I get my diamond ring

'Cuz I don't want to be one of the boys
One of your guys
Just give me a chance to prove to you tonight
That I just wanna be your homecoming queen
Your poster dream
Not one of the boys

I wanna be a flower not a dirty weed
And I wanna smell like roses not a baseball team
And I swear maybe one day
Your gonna wanna make out
Make out, make out with me

So I don't want to be one of the boys
One of your guys
Just give me a chance to prove to you tonight
That I just wanna be one of the girls
Pretty in pearls
Not one of the boys

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