Yesterday - The Beatles

"Yesterday" is one of those songs I used to hear over and over. A beautiful and simple melody. Then Boyz II Men covered it, overdid it . . . and really kind of destroyed it for me. I actually kind of became annoyed with the song and stopped paying attention to it . . .
Until tonight. Watching Syesha sing it on American Idol with so much vulnerability and emotion really struck a chord with me [forgive the pun]. And for the first time in a long time, I really listened to the lyrics.
Why [s]he had to go, I don't know, [s]he wouldn't say.
I said something wrong now I long for yesterday.
All too often we become so disenchanted with love and relationships. There isn't much else that demonstrates the extremes of human emotion . . . love can bring you up to the highest reaches and then throw you back down so forcefully that few are lucky to escape the bitterness that is bound to ensue. Life lessons I've had to learn on my own . . . when McCartney had gotten it right all along. Maybe I should have paid closer attention after all.
That love thing . . . it's quite fickle, no?
Hey there, it's me, Turbodog. I don't know if you remember me from the Xanga days. I just returned to Xangaland (a ghost town!) and every site I used to frequent has long since been updated. Anyway, here you are, just a mouse click away.
Love... An emotional drain sometimes? Yes. Scarring? Definitly. Then why do we still strive for love in our lives? The hope for a great ride to the big finish.
A while back, I tutored a student that prepared valentines day gifts for two different girls. I jokingly asked him "are you in love?" "No," he replied, "but it would be nice." He went on to explain,
"Imagine two Slip n' Slides. One slide has a cool mini-jump but leads straight into a chain linked fence. The other slide is very long and heads straight for the swimming pool. One is fun but you get hurt at the end. The other is also fun but it's a long ride with a happy ending. You just got to get up and try again. It's fun, but don't get too hurt."
That kid was 11. He's pretty damn smart. I had been going through a tough period in my life, trying to salvage what was left of my soul and see if a heart still existed in my chest. Ah, the pangs of drama series- worthy love. That 11 year old provided me with clarity.
I'm rambling. I'm sorry... I don't even know if you remember me. But I do comment with the best intentions. I promise!
Anyway, I hope that you find the love that us hopless romantics dream of. Until then, I hope that you have a wonderful day. Take care and smile!
When you've found yourself standing on dropped rice that some messy, inconsiderate fool has tossed on your floor, it's always good to first change your socks. A new site for the new you. Although I don't know the details of it all, I'm glad that you've decided to "change your socks." I'll definitely drop by often to see how the "Borderless Reporter" is doing! As for you visiting the world of Xanga, it just shows that you're strong enough to overlook the B.S. and still speak your mind. Do what you want and don't let another person tell you what you're worth. Ahem Ahem.... You still have one Xangan here that cares. Smile!
How's our heroine fairing today? Hopefully all is well. If things aren't going your way, imagine a team of small monkeys standing behind whoever's giving you trouble, awaiting your orders. I know, it sounds ridiculous, but the scenes to imagine are endless. Give it a try. Today, my team of monkeys wrestled my boss to the ground and rode him around like a horse. See? smile! Hopefully you're having a great day.
Howdy! It's James again (Turbodog), and I just wanted to say have a wonderful day! I can't help but smile along with your banner picture. Don't ever loose that smile, okay? Take care!
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