Wednesday, 20 August 2008

I'm Lucky, I Know

Home - Michael Bublé

Things have been on the up and up for me lately. Finally not being afraid to make my own plans. Doing things for myself and not simply to just make others happy. It's been good to come out of the shadow of my former self. So good.

As much as I am okay now, hearing this song still brings me back. I'm still unable to listen to this song without getting just a little wistful. I was walking to work from the bus stop this bright and sunny morning when my iPod shuffled to it. And for some reason I remembered an entry I had written in my old blog.

Read for yourself here.

God was I ever lovesick and heartbroken. As of right now, I can't even remember exactly how bad the whole thing was . . . just that it was horrible. I hope I never return to that place.

This song just reminds me of why I don't ever want to be in a long distance relationship again. Two and a half years of it was more than enough. I know I should never say never . . . but here's to hoping.

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