I Have Waited So Long - Foreigner
Can you believe THE announcement was almost seven years ago?
*video courtesy Rogers Sportsnet
Yes, that was back in July 2003 and I remember sitting in my shoebox Japanese abode late at night - staying up to find out whether my hometown had won. That bid video set to the voice of Bryan Adams still gives me chills. We've waited so so long and as of today, the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games are a mere month away. Yes, 31 days. Are you excited?
At this point, I feel comfortable divulging some news I've had for a while. I have accepted a position to work with NBC during the Olympics! I have been a lifelong Olympics junkie and when the opportunity came, I just couldn't pass it up. It's very much a dream come true. NBC always does a bang-up job of broadcasting the Games and I hope so badly to be able to meet Matt Lauer, since The Today Show will be broadcasting from atop Grouse Mountain the whole time.
Finally, a step in the right direction. Back to media, journalism, and a job that really gets my blood pumping. It also means I'm packing up my bags and moving back home to Vancouver.
I found out I'd landed the job back in August and it's been hard to keep it only to family and close friends. Back in the summer, I thought February was still so far away. And now, I'm moving home in four days.
In other exciting news, I've hooked up with an ambitious little start-up called Define Magazine. It's Vancouver's newest lifestyle online source and our aim is to draw on the abundant amount of writing talent we have internationally, to provide informative and entertaining articles for readers of any demographic. The launch was a mere week ago, so please check out our website and show some support! I'll be contributing articles to them starting late January, so keep your eyes peeled for that.
Anyway, with all that said, I am feeling anxious about the move. It always happens before I make a big move. Have I packed everything? OMGImusthaveforgottenSOMETHING! This time, I just have to keep reminding myself that even if I do leave something behind, it's just in my parents' place here and they can bring it for me in a few months when they return to Vancouver. Chill G, chill.
Let the Games begin . . .
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