I Have Waited So Long - Foreigner
Can you believe THE announcement was almost seven years ago?
*video courtesy Rogers Sportsnet

At this point, I feel comfortable divulging some news I've had for a while. I have accepted a position to work with NBC during the Olympics! I have been a lifelong Olympics junkie and when the opportunity came, I just couldn't pass it up. It's very much a dream come true. NBC always does a bang-up job of broadcasting the Games and I hope so badly to be able to meet Matt Lauer, since The Today Show will be broadcasting from atop Grouse Mountain the whole time.
Finally, a step in the right direction. Back to media, journalism, and a job that really gets my blood pumping. It also means I'm packing up my bags and moving back home to Vancouver.
I found out I'd landed the job back in August and it's been hard to keep it only to family and close friends. Back in the summer, I thought February was still so far away. And now, I'm moving home in four days.

Anyway, with all that said, I am feeling anxious about the move. It always happens before I make a big move. Have I packed everything? OMGImusthaveforgottenSOMETHING! This time, I just have to keep reminding myself that even if I do leave something behind, it's just in my parents' place here and they can bring it for me in a few months when they return to Vancouver. Chill G, chill.
Let the Games begin . . .
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