This was [still is?] constantly on rotation at the in-house radio station of my journalism school [Evolution 107.9]. I used to go into the booth a few minutes before my newscast - enough time to get myself settled and make sure the cast's Burli stuff was in order. I'd sit in there with the headphones on and would usually hear the song before my cast. Whenever this song came on, I'd always feel cheered up. One time, I absentmindedly started dancing in my chair . . . until I looked up realising that the radio show hosts were staring at me through the control room window. Oops.
When the song was over they announced to our listeners that the news was up next, with a girl who really seemed like enjoy the song. =]
Just a neat little memory that came to mind when iTunes randomly shuffled to that song.Shoutout to Turbodog: Thanks for visiting and leaving your comments. They make the blues a little less blue. You bringing Xanga back?