Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars
Anyone else feeling the buzziness in the air? While most people look forward to summer, the sun, and hot weather . . . that's not the case for me. Nope, I have long been a champion for autumn and winter.
September - a new start [to the school year?], the end of mozzies biting me.
Truth be told, I was starting to get sick of all the sun. Call me crazy if you want! I have things to look forward to: Halloween, my birthday, Christmas, New Year's Eve!!!
Another thing to be excited about? My Canucks of course! This past summer, I was happy to join up with the good folks over at the Canucks Fan Zone, so I am looking forward to helping them out and spreading the [social media] word on Canucks events and contests happening around town.

That being said . . . come out and see us on Wednesday, October 20th at Joey's on Broadway for the first official Canucks tweet-up of the year. These events started up last year and have only gained momentum. Join follow Canucks fans, bloggers from the Canucks Hockey Blog, and the Fan Zone when the good guys take on their nemeses from the past two years, the Chicago Blackhawks. Joey Kenward of Team 1040 will have hosting duties and rumour has it, Fin will make an appearance.
Hope to see you all there!